End of Summer Vacations. It’s Not Too Late

END OF SUMMER VACATIONS. IT’S NOT TOO LATE! Wow, August already. It isn’t too late to plan an end of the summer Minnesota family vacation. Once the 4th of July of over, many resorts get a number of calls for reservations because people realize, “Wow, where did summer go? We haven’t made a plan to…

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Camping, What to Look For in Your Minnesota Campground

CAMPING, WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN YOUR MINNESOTA CAMPGROUND When you hear the word “camping” different thoughts may come to mind. You may think of tents, being outside, campfires, sitting in a fancy camper/RV, being outside…. The list goes on. No matter what you have to “camp” in or what the word camping means to…

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Minnesota Owner Operated Resorts – It’s Not Just Ma and Pa

MINNESOTA OWNER OPERATED RESORTS – IT’S NOT JUS MA AND PA You’ve maybe heard the term ma and pa resort before and wondered… what?  Ma and Pa?  Sure sounds old-fashioned, maybe a little too rustic? The term “ma and pa” was historically used to describe local family owned and operated general stores or drugstores. Today,…

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5 Reasons to Stay at a Minnesota Resort in May

5 REASONS TO STAY AT A MINNESOTA LAKE RESORT IN MAY Minnesota lake country is full of owner operated resorts, all providing a family vacation experience like no other vacation does. There seems to be a universal thought that the only time to go to a lake resort is in June, July or August. Well,…

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All Inclusive Minnesota Vacation

ALL INCLUSIVE MINNESOTA VACATION You packed the car. You drove 2, 4, 7, maybe 10 hours with the kids and you thought that was the adventure.  Now what?! Now you do it all; from fishing to swimming to hiking, to absolutely nothing, that’s what.  Here are the top things you can do on your Minnesota…

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A Full Week Vacation. What are the Pros & Cons?

A FULL WEEK VACATION. WHAT ARE THE PROS & CONS? Planning a vacation may be a challenge. One of the decisions that need to be made is the length of the vacation. People may ask… do I really need a full week long vacation? Well… that depends. Below are some pros and cons about a…

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Why a Minnesota Vacation

WHY A MINNESOTA VACATION There are endless reasons why you should take a vacation.  First off, you deserve it!, Ssecond, even your doctor might tell you, “you NEED a vacation.”  Nope that’s not just a desire or want, you NEED it.  Webmd.com states that by depriving yourself of a vacation you could experience burnout, reduced…

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