New Kind of Family Vacation

NEW KIND OF FAMILY VACATION When our kids were nine, seven and five, we took them to Disney World. You know this kind of family vacation, right? It’s often referred to as the best family vacation for kids. It’s the vacation that every kid dreams of and that every parent hopes they can some-day give…

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3 Ways to Naturally Learn More About Minnesota

3 WAYS TO NATURALLY DISCOVER MINNESOTA Do you know what bird makes that chirping sound? Can you identify that animal rustling in the brush? Do you know how to identify the types of trees you see? There are many ways to enjoy nature and learn about and NATURALLY discover Minnesota. 1 GO FOR A WALK …

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Adventures in Southeast Minnesota State Parks

ADVENTURES IN SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA STATE PARKS So, you have decided to take your Minnesota vacation and you are visiting the SouthEast region of Minnesota. With so many sights to see and places to visit it may be difficult to narrow down an itinerary. You can visit bustling towns or go exploring in the countryside. Another…

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Vacation Unplugged

VACATION UNPLUGGED We know your job is important. It is a large part of our identities and without it you wouldn’t be able to take a Minnesota vacation. If you work for a large corporation, a startup or are self-employed (that’s including you stay-at-home parents) you know how important it is to take a vacation…

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Breweries – Check them out While Vacationing

BREWERIES-CHECK THEM OUT WHILE VACATIONING Duluth has many attractions that bring both friends and families to the area. One of the many things that draw people in are the multiple breweries within the city limits. During your Northern Minnesota vacation make it a trip to remember while visiting the following breweries. Up first on our…

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Pine Tree Identification in Minnesota

PINE TREE IDENTIFICATION IN MINNESOTA As you drive deeper into the Minnesota wilderness to reach your Minnesota resort you are surrounded by towering trees. Ever wonder how many kinds of pine trees there are in the area? Continue reading to learn more about the pine trees that fill the Minnesota forest.   One of the best…

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Snowmobile Trails, They Do Vary

SNOWMOBILE TRAILS, THEY DO VARY I have been snowmobiling for 23 years and have seen many different trails. We usually go with a group of friends and we start out in the Grand Rapids, Marcell and Bigfork areas. But we have gone up the north shore and other areas too. One thing is for sure.…

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OHV Trails in the Winter

Winter OHV Trails

OHV TRAILS IN THE WINTER Winter. Yes, it is here. For me, it is easier to “find things to do” in the summer than it is in the winter. But, if you have some 4 wheelers or side-by-sides, you can use the on some trails in the winter as well as the summer. Snowmobiles are…

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5 Tips for a More Eco-Friendly Resort Vacation

5 TIPS FOR A MORE ECO-FRIENDLY RESORT VACATION It is the time that many Americans, including Minnesotans, to think about their New Year Resolutions. It is also a time when families are thinking and planning their next vacation. These two tasks can be combined. You can look for and plan a vacation and think about…

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The Gift that Keeps Giving

THE GIFT THAT KEEPS GIVING What are some of your favorite memories growing up? Are they material items that you had or are they vacations you went on, camps that you went to, sports you played, friends you hung out with, or adventures you went on? Were any of your favorite memories spending time in…

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