Snowmobile Trails

I have been snowmobiling for 23 years and have seen many different trails. We usually go with a group of friends and we start out in the Grand Rapids, Marcell and Bigfork areas. But we have gone up the north shore and other areas too. One thing is for sure. The trails do vary.

My husband and I went with some friends snowmobile last week. We started out in the Bigfork area and went a total of 126 miles. For us that is a lot. We didn’t start out until 10:00 and we were done by 4:30. Throughout the 126 miles you could not help but notice the difference in the trails.

Much of it was in hilly areas full of trees. That is the type of trail the I prefer. You really feel like you are in nature. With the many curves and trees, we typically don’t gain much speed. That is just fine for us and most snowmobilers. Although we didn’t see any deer during this trip, it isn’t uncommon for those in front to see deer and other animals in the woods.

Sometimes you snowmobile through an area that has recently been logged or is currently being logged. If there is active logging activity in the area, we typically see warning signs on the trails. If it is an area that has been logged you can see so much further. You see the hills and contour of the land.

When on snowmobile trails you many times get to areas that you cannot access any other time of year. There are swampy areas that are easy for snowmobiles to traverse because they are frozen and the groomers have gone out and groomed the trails. You cannot walk through those areas any other time of year. Take advantage of seeing this part of nature.

During our trip we also experienced some straight stretches. In those areas you feel more like going the speed limit. Every once in a while you get that little tingle in your stomach as you go over the top of some of the hills. You need to know your trails to feel more comfortable going a little faster. Safety is number one.

During one of our other trips we went up the North Shore. Those trails were beautiful as well. They were a lot more rocky than our local areas. It was a nice treat to see other terrain. Some areas of Minnesota are in the iron range area. You may see the trail turning red because some of the red ground got mixed in with the white snow. That’s unique.

Many snowmobilers take advantage of designated trails. That is where we typically go. However, there are certainly other areas that is legal to ride. Before going off-trail, make sure to be aware of the laws in the area. You may also check out the frozen lakes. We live on a lake and it is fun to take the sleds out on the lake too. That is an experience all its own. Make sure that you go in safe areas. Personally, I enjoy looking at the houses along the lakeshore. Many people take their snowmobiles out with their ice fishing gear. If so, then make sure to enjoy the trip out and back as that is part of the fun.

Trails certainly are different. Experienced snowmobilers know what type of trail they like. I think it is fun to get a variety. If I had to pick just one type, I think that the hills and woods would be my favorite. You may not get the speed, but it can certainly be a work out with all the turns and watching the trails go by is very calming for me.

Snowmobiling trails...

Recently we went snowmobiling in our local area we rented a resort cabin and took off from the resort. Even though we were very familiar with the trails, if felt different because we rented a cabin and snowmobiled for two days. It was more of a snowmobile vacation. Most people aren’t lucky enough to live right by trails, and even if you do, it is fun to rent a cabin and take a little time out with friends. Check out our member resorts that are open it the winter.

Submitted by Karen Senger
Retired Resorter of 17 years, but still loves Resorts

Photo Credits:  Karen Senger and Loon Point Resort, Bigfork, MN

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