Much promotion related to Minnesota resort vacations is “Making family memories that will last a lifetime.” You see and read it all the time. Resorts promote it, tourism communities promote it, and so does Explore Minnesota Tourism.

I recently helped lead a class in our church titled “Intentional Parenting: 10 Ways to Be an Exceptional Parent in a Quick Fix World. One subject that the course included was family vacations, under the topic of positive family memories. So I guess it turns out that it’s not just the vacation industry that thinks family vacations are a really good idea! Parents wanting the best for their kids will take them on vacations. It’s the time spent together, and the memories created from that time, that truly counts. Not how fancy or expensive the vacation is.

Research reveals that vacations typically provide children with the strongest family memories. I know that’s been true with our family. But sometimes it seems like there’s never a good time to take a vacation. Too much work, too many sports, etc. My suggestion is just get it on the calendar and GO! There may always be hurdles and excuses as you near the date, but if specific dates are blocked out on the family calendar, it’s a done deal. The times family vacations DON’T happen are when you say, “We should get away some time in the spring.” Vague doesn’t work. It won’t become dynamic until it becomes specific. Get it on the calendar. Money and time are not strong enough excuses — it doesn’t have to be an expensive vacation or a long vacation to create great memories.

Just to paint a picture, Minnesota resorts see this scenario all the time. Families with young children come to a resort for 10 or 20 years in a row, and those kids develop some of their best childhood memories. But then college or summer jobs or weddings get in the way and they stop the tradition of the family lake vacation. Years pass and then you get a phone call that goes something like this:

“Hi. My name is Billy Smith and I used to come to your resort with my family when I was a kid. I have SO many great memories of that time and that type of lake experience and I want my own kids to have that same experience. Do you have anything open this coming August?”

Other than providing a nice place for families (big and small) to spend some time together, the whole “family memories” thing just happens on its own. Every day. Every week. Every year. Simple.

I invite you to contact the Minnesota resort of your choice and make a reservation. As you might imagine, I think it’s a good decision for your family.

Until next time  ~~  Jennifer Bateman


Make Family Memories
Family memories

Until next time ~~ Jennifer Bateman
Jennifer owned and operated a family resort for over 20 years and
witnessed the creation of family memories every single summer!

Photo Credit: Two Inlets Resort and Cedar Point Resort

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