
I certainly hope you enjoyed your 4th of July holiday weekend. For most (or maybe all??) of Minnesota, the weather this year was fantastic. For those of you lucky enough to have spent it at a Minnesota Resort, you probably spent some time in the water. The time went by way too quickly.

For those of you that weren’t lucky enough to spend your holiday at a resort, it isn’t too late to spend time at a resort still this summer! Although the summer of 2021 has been a banner year for many Minnesota Resorts, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t still openings. Make those vacation plans, it isn’t too late.

It isn’t too late to book that last minute vacation. Since the 4th of July holiday is already over, it is a little late to do a lot of pre-planning of your resort vacation. But, it isn’t too late to book a last minute vacation. End of July and August are still awesome times of vacation and it certainly isn’t too late to vacation during that time. So, are Last Minutes Stays OK? Yes they are.

It isn’t too late to find a time: I try not to say “I don’t have the time.” In actuality it is usually, “I didn’t make the time.” Although that isn’t always the case, if something is really important, you find the time. Vacations are one of those things that I find the time to do. Look at your calendar. Put your vacation on the calendar and then see what can be re-arranged. It isn’t too late to take a vacation, get away with the family or friends, spend some time by the water, recharge your batteries, relax….. There is lots to do in Minnesota while you are on vacation, if you choose to partake!


Go for less than a week. Reality strikes; our lives, jobs, responsibilities and obligations do get in the way and are important. So perhaps you cannot get away for a full week. Many resorts accept partial week reservations for any availability they have left for this summer. Many resorts have their availability on their website which makes it easy to see how your schedule will work with the resort’s availability. If their calendar isn’t on the website, then pick a couple resorts and see what they have open to see if it fits into your schedule. Even a couple days is better than no days!

My advice to you is to just do it.

Make the time to vacation at a Minnesota Resort. You will find that you will not regret it. Contact one of our members owner-operated resorts.

Submitted by Karen Senger
Retired Resorter of 17 years, but still loves Resorts

Photo Credit: Mission Beach Resort

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